Sunday, December 29, 2019

Biology Final Essay - 1347 Words

A. Fermentation Lab- The basic process Prepared 3 beakers with contents listed below. ( a. Beaker 1: glucose only b. Beaker 2: Starch only c. Beaker 3: Starch + amylase). Poured contents of each beaker into its respective fermentation tube, ensuring the tail portion of the tube was filled with liquid. Placed tubes in an incubator at 37 degrees, measuring distance between tip of tube tail to fluid level at 20, 40, and 60 minute intervals. Calculated gas volume using this distance along with radius of tube tail. o Why is alcohol fermentation needed in yeast to carry out glycolysis In an environment absent of oxygen, yeast undergoes alcohol fermentation in order to continue ATP production but also to recycle NAD+ that is needed for†¦show more content†¦Starch needs to be broken down to glucose in order for fermentation to occur. There is no enzyme in this beaker to break down the starch. Beaker 3 – CO2 will be produced the second fastest. As amylase is in this beaker, starch can be broken down to its monomer unit but it will not be as fast as Beaker 1 since the latter already contains its monomer units. 5. Given the data, be able to graph the data and discuss whether the data match the experimental predictions (without doing statistical analysis) This is at the discretion of the instructor. May be a line graph or bar graph, charting volume at each interval, or charting the total volume after 1 hour, or something else B. Photosynthesis experiment o Gross versus net photosynthesis Gross – total products produced from the conversion of light to chemical energy (i.e. total sugar, O2, etc.) Net – total defined above minus the amount of products cycled back for respiration o Overall gas exchange of a plant As photosynthesis occurs, leaves take in CO2 from the bicarbonate solution and produce O2 gas, which displaces the infiltration liquid currently filling the intracellular spaces of the leaf disks o Relationship between light levels and gas exchange in plants In this lab the treatment with the higher light intensity produced the higher rate of photosynthesis, faster rates of CO2 was consumption, and O2 production, compared withShow MoreRelatedBiology Final Paper : Biology1909 Words   |  8 Pages Biochemistry final paper I think that one thing that attracted me to biochemistry was how essential it is to the growth and prosperity of human life. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Nissan Case Study - 16703 Words

BACKGROUND The Global Leadership of Carlos Ghosn at Nissan During March 1999, Brazilian Carlos Ghosn took over as the first non-Japanese Chief Operating Officer of Nissan, when Nissan had been incurring losses for seven of the prior eight years. Many of the industry analysts expected a culture clash between the French leadership style and his new Japanese employees. Analysts said, because the financial situation at Nissan had become critical so the decision to bring Ghosn in came at the worst possible time. The continuing losses were resulting in debts (approximately $22 billion) that were shaking the confidence of suppliers and financiers alike. Furthermore, the Nissan brand was weakening in the minds of consumers due to a product†¦show more content†¦Along with other Japanese manufacturers, Nissan was successfully competing on quality, reliability and fuel efficiency. By 1991, Nissan was operating very profitably, producing four of the top ten cars in the world.Nissan management throughout the 1990s, however, had displayed a tende ncy to emphasize short term market share growth, rather than profitability or long-term strategic success. Nissan was very well known for its advanced engineering and technology, plant productivity, and quality management. During the previous decade, Nissan’s designs had not reflected customer opinion because they assumed that most customers preferred to buy good quality cars rather than stylish, innovative cars. Instead of reinvesting in new product designs as other competitors did, Nissan managers seemed content to continue to harvest the success of proven designs. They tended to put retained earnings into equity of other companies, often suppliers, and into real-estate investments, as part of the Japanese business custom of keiretsu investing. Through these equity stakes in other companies, Ghosn’s predecessors (and Japanese business leaders in general) believed that loyalty and cooperation were fostered between members of the value chain within their keiretsu. By 1999, Nissan had tied up over $4 billion in the stock shares of hundreds of different companies as part of this keiretsu philosophy. These investments, however, were not reflected in Nissan’sShow MoreRelatedNissan Cranston Case Study5797 Words   |  24 Pagesin the text. b) No part of this assignment had been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorized by lecturer concerned. c) All grades obtained by students are final. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Piracy Free Essays

Piracy and Copyright Infringement are major issues that have developed through the use of the Internet and file transfer servers. Developments and advances in these areas over past two decades have my generation within a mouse click of their destination. However, these opened doors have been overrun with a large exchange of pirated material. We will write a custom essay sample on Piracy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The present issue involves the nations excessive illegal downloading of unlicensed products.The trend of previous litigations involving piracy and copyright cases in federal courts has ruled against the consumer, and has involved the rewriting of many laws, yet it becomes harder to pinpoint copyright violators as decryption advancement mimics closely the timeline of security encryption. I feel that it is imperative for all software products to receive a restrictive license tag, enabling software companies and music artists to maintain a living and economic interests. I disagree with the form/process in which these files are distributed, allowing for piracy of files, rerecording and redistribution.The use of patents began in the early 19th century, and would ultimately lead to the current system of licensing and copyright of products that can be reproduced. These initial patents were intended to allow artists to make a living and survive off their pieces of artwork. The year 1880 marked an important year for the patent in the case Diamond versus Chark Barty who were disputing the patent of a single-cell bacterium used in breaking down crude oil. The Supreme Court ruled that patents could be granted for this purpose.The main purpose of a patent is to promote and encourage investors in society to make new ways to assist society and economy and provide the inventor with royalties. Patenting is a system that involves product branding or other signs of ownership to provide the public with reliability in new forms of intellectual property, while still protecting the owner/ inventor. Copyrights give authors complete ownership and rights to their creations during extended period of time, and in most cases fall the under the rights of a solo beneficiary. Today the act of sharing files promotes global exchange between users. This global networking between countries provides business solutions that not only reduces prices on sales and purchases, but also allows large companies to make more accurate marketing decisions with documented transactions. For the home user programs like Kazaa and Limewire, implement these large ‘peer to peer’ networks that are hosted on FTP servers, and share files. In developing cases where music files and software are being illegally copied, there are always disagreements on what exactly is protected and what is an original work.For example, the website Priceline. com has attempted to make patents on their ideas that would seem to be common belief and not unique, such as trying to patent an auction site with auctions that have reserve prices. Therefore, one of the more precedent matters is the issue regarding what exactly is ‘intellectual property’, and how does music fall under that stance of copyright. Intellectual property can be defined as any crea tion of human intelligence that is new, unique, and has market value. Copyright places limits on use of speech, print, and performance.This idea of intellectual property is not common knowledge to most people who compile large networks. It is evident that not all people realize the implications of stealing files and copying music. Many defend piracy as a form of promotion of software, which would have otherwise been ignored by certain consumers that never buy certain software in the first place. Most software copies are shared because their users don’t think of lending software or lending music as a crime, or at least not one taken seriously. Of course the elimination of digital songs/sources would not hold up.On a business level online trade, exchange, and purchase lowers transaction costs significantly, and for the music business actually makes up a big part of their remaining buyers. One of the main differences between piracy of music and software is the fact that newly available technology today is more advanced and friendly to forms of copying, which allow top quality music between each copy and user. In the past, qualities of copied cassettes were not as good or of equal quality and didn’t involve the Internet, whereas online and digitized songs are more readily available and easier to simply copy, and then e-mail to a friend. Copying music from a CD to a cassette or to your computer is legal and accepted only because you own the original copy of the CD and the music files are not being used for commercial purposes†. The first attempt by a person who uploaded an album of songs online was not at first a major problem as it was easier to trace/locate the source since early networks were primitive and did not involve as many users. In 1999, a 19-year-old, Shawn Fanning, invented a program called Napster, which users could download and exchange music al recordings for free over the Internet.This program was considered a gateway to loss government control and launched multiple similar uncontrolled networks. There have been many steps taken in response to Internet piracy, however, it seems as though most have been lackluster and are not sufficient to produce visible and significant results. The music industry has turned to making formatting music files that can only be copied or reproduced in certain prescribed circumstances like . m4p. This defensive technology sometimes takes away from a user’s number of legitimate uses and transfers, however it seems to be on the road to improving safe transfers.Unfortunately, with each announcement of new protective software, a counter program almost instantly is created, matched, and supported through counter hacking technology that makes files available to these large copying networks. Any person with knowledgeable code in computers is capable of decoding these files. This desire to ‘liberate’ files by many hackers is only a sign to show that the industry should be developing ways to work with the technology and not against it. The Recording Industry Association of America recently filed lawsuits against four college students, running ftp servers on campus networks. A federal judge in California settled the case quickly, and despite the fact that the students never actually accepted responsibility, they settled to pay $12,000 to $17,500 in fines. A case that ended without a clearly defined verdict proves that it is difficult to have a true scapegoat for responsibility of piracy violations and copyright infringement. â€Å"The internet is like one gigantic copying machine,† says David Nimmer, a lawyer who spends most of his time with disputes in Intellectual property. â€Å"Once on the internet, copying becomes effortless, costless, widespread, and immediate. Nimmer is an experienced lawyer who is well aware of the easy access to the copied files and has trouble himself challenging illegality in certain situations. Copyright law does not make a distinction between public use and private use, such as buying a book from a store like Borders, versus borrowing it from a library and copying. More recently the United States congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which updated copyright laws to include these widespread international servers and allow the set up of a system to control the Internet. Unfortunately, only 22 countries are on oard for the ratification process and make it increasingly difficult for any visible change. Many countries consider these laws would impede on the freedom of the Internet in its original creation, if forced under a universal control involving the U. S. However, at this point copyright-based industries generate more revenues internationally than any other U. S. industry, more than the aircraft, agriculture, and automobile industries. Without global support, a server can be created in any country to house large FTP sites, like Kazaa which is has a large base in Singapore. For an artist, the main purpose of a copyright is to protect. A majority of artists feel that the free song-sharing epidemic is affecting their careers and profits as artists. Many artists and songwriters who write original music and have only the music to directly profit from. Downloading off these sites affects them negatively; specifically songwriters, record labels, producers, managers, and any others involved in production of music, who cannot rely on performance profits. Artists can sell and profit off merchandise, whereas songwriters lack that ability.Generally the belief is that the pirating music solely affects the artists, when in reality it affects the industry as a whole, including all the people who have jobs connected to these artists. The process in which a record company gains complete control of a band has shortened the length of an artist’s career, again ultimately hurting economy. Music industry should try and not dishearten online music consumers that promote artists, but rather develop new ways to work with the evolving technology.Software companies make money through businesses, because instead of copying a CD, a business must register each computer or client separately so that each has its own separate license. It is suggested that despite counter acting efforts, 90% of all computer software is counterfeit similar to most music. There are many solutions to existing problems involving copyright infringement and illegal piracy of music. Despite these problems I do not support the copyright laws full intention and I feel that there is a need for reform of distribution.Interesting enough, it is assumed that the issue is clear and obvious to all people who steal music. While the music industry does see music sharing as piracy, the youth majority does not see this topic on quite the same black and white level. The record company’s actual costs are low, and yet a CD’s cost to a consumer is not. The reasoning of the average teenager is that why would they want to spend $20 on a CD with one good song on it, $200 dollars on software that they must have for academic requirement, when they can upload it for free.Lack of communication in a time where everyone is connected seems like a waste and stunt to new advancing technology. Piracy is not right, and a corrective measure can only come from recognizing that the problem originates from not recognizing more than just the new ease of file transfer. Piracy is of course a wide addressing issue, including a rapidly increasing amount of people from a conglomeration of age groups. There needs to be a redistribution of wealth within in the music industry and software industries. Once issues like these are addressed, a solution can be found. How to cite Piracy, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

MIA By Law Case Study free essay sample

However, this situation shows indirectly violation of the MIA By Law as the audit firm can ask the other audit firm to undertake as if the firm does not have capacity or due to lack of staff results from other factors as well there is restrain that result to the firm cannot perform the audit. But in this case, the situation when Ariff has offered Aminurrashid a certain percentage of the audit fee and Aminurrashid accepted if even though Aminurrashid has reluctant to accept initially is violated MIA By Law under integrity as the principle of integrity requires a professional accountant to be sincere, honest and straight forward in his business relationship and professionals. Aminurrashid should not accept the money and Ariff should not offer the percentage of audit fee as this also will arise the conflict of interest or any threats later. The second situation shows the violation of the MIA By Law is when Ariff accepting the offer instantly without considering the man power that he has. This situation shows that Ariff has violated the professional competence and due care. This is because Ariff need to know either his firm has capability in performing the audit due diligence and due care to avoid the incompetent services which result to unreliable report as well as the audit report can be questioned. The third situation shows in this case is when Ariff spend most of his time in his other company, a construction company and he seldom come to his CA firm and would trust the Audit Seniors to lead the assignments and subsequently review the working papers. In fact, he only comes to his CA office if he needs to sign the independent Auditors Reports or having meeting with his potential and current clients. This violated MIA By Law of professional behavior as the CA has an obligation to act in a consistent manner with the good reputation of profession. However, in this case, Ariff ignore his responsibility in reviewing the audit assignment works by the Senior Auditors which he need to concern on the matter arise that will effect audit report. In fact, as mentioned earlier, the firms are not competent to undertake this client, thus Ariff should also focus on CA office to guide and review the senior auditors’ works as well as engagement performance to avoid the negligence in the performance that discreditable to the accounting professionals. Question 2 Indicate the elements of Quality Control at Engagement level which are not adhered by riff Al-Hakim Associates. (12 marks) When Ariff Al-Hakim Associates accept to undertake a financial statement audit of VCE Construction Work Sdn. Bhd. , the firm do not adhered one of the elements of Quality Control at engagement level which is acceptance and continuance of clients and audit engagements. In this case, the engagement partner should consider the independent and competency of the audit team, the integrity of the principal owners, management and those charged with governance of the entity. These factors, including any conflicts with the existing client, should also be taken into consideration in decisions relating to continuance of client relationship. Moreover, Ariff Al-Hakim Associates does not also obey the ethical requirement. The engagement partner should obtain sufficient information about the audit in order to evaluate whether there are any threats to independence and if they identifies breaches to independence policies or procedures, the partner should take appropriate action to address or eliminate such treats. However, in this case, Ariff as the engagement partner does not perform this element of Quality Control as he easily passed his responsibility to Senior Auditors and also do not communicate promptly to the firm’s actions to resolve the issue on independence and documented conclusion regarding such matter if any. Other than that, Ariff Al-Hakim Associates also does not adhere with the assignment of engagement team. In this element of quality control, the engagement partner should ensure that the audit is in accordance with professional standards and in line with the regulatory requirements. Quality control on assignment of audit team should ensure that the personnel of the audit team have the necessary technical training and proficiency required in the circumstances. However, in this case each team consist of one audit senior, one audit assistant and trainers which have small manpower and Ariff also ignore the technical training on the team, especially on trainees. In addition, Ariff Al-Hakim Associates also do not adhere with the engagement level that should be implemented in quality control. The engagement partner is responsible for the overall direction and performance of the audit engagement. Such responsibility covers not only risk assessment and audit planning but also the supervision. Before the audit report is issued, the engagement partner should review the audit documentation to ensure that sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained to support audit opinion in the report. However, Arif Al-Hakim as a partner ignore his responsibility as he trust the audit senior to lead the assignments and subsequently review the working paper. Question 3 Discuss the type of audit report that Ariff Al-Hakim Associates should be issued to Deenurleez Weeding Planner Sdn. Bhd.? (6 marks) The type of audit report that riff Al-Hakim Associates should issue to Deenurliz Weeding Planner Sdn. Bhd. Is qualified audit report. In this case, there is a limitation on scope that leads to departure from unqualified auditor’s report. In this case, during the course o audit, Ariff faced problem in verifying the debtor’s outstanding balance as the accounting book of records are incomplete and unsystematic. In addition, the staff of Deenurliz Wedding Planner Sdn. Bhd. was not cooperative in helping the auditor solves the problems. Moreover, the auditor intention to send confirmation to debtors was mistakenly understood by the client and they prohibit the auditor from sending the confirmation to the debtors. Thus, we should issue a disclaimer audit report because of these limitations of scope on the audit. The auditor disclaims an opinion on the financial statements because the possible effect on the limitation of scope is so material and pervasive that the auditor has not been able to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to form an opinion on the overall financial statement. As in this case, the amount of debtor is considered as material and they affect other items in financial statement such as sales and cash account. Question 4 Briefly explain on the scope paragraph in the Independent’s Auditors Report. (4 marks) The auditor’s report is the main product or output of the audit. The audit report, also known as the audit opinion, is the culmination of a process of collecting and evaluating sufficient appropriate evidence concerning the true and fair view presentation of management’s assertions in the financial statements. The auditor’s report on financial statements provides authorititative guidance on the basic elements and forms of audit reports. The auditor’s report advices users whether the auditee’s financial statement have been prepared in accordance with stated set of accounting principle (GAAP), whether they are free from material misstatement. Thus, the report is an assurance whether the financial statement information presented by the auditee is materially trustworthy for making various decisions. However, under certain circumstances, it is not appropriate for the auditors to issue a clean opinion or an unqualified report. The two basic reasons an auditor may be unable to express an unqualified opinion are limitation of scope and disagreement between auditor’s view and management’s view. Hence, there will be three types of audit reports resulting from scope limitation or disagreement. There are qualified report, disclaimer report, and adverse report. If there is material effect on the financial statements, the auditor would conclude that the issue of an unqualified report is not appropriate.